Our Operating

Our Operating Principles

Welcome opportunities and challenges. Safety first and foremost. Practice ethical behavior. Act with integrity. Communicate openly and effectively. Know your customers (internal and external).
Anticipate our customer's needs. Growth through teamwork. Initiate improvement. Need to recognize employees contributions. Get it right the first time.

Managing Director                                                    :  R.Dharmalingam
Directors                                                                     :   Dr.D.Rajkumar., M.B.A.,                                                 
                                                                                        Mrs.M.Mallika., M.Sc., M.Phil
Bankers                                                                       :   Indian Overseas Bank
                                                                                        Namakkal 637 001.
Mills & Administrative Office                                    :   Salem Main Road.
                                                                                        Namakkal 637 001.                                      
Registered Office                                                       :   27, Kollampattarai Street,
                                                                                        Near Jothi theatre,
                                                                                        Namakkal 637 001.
                                                                                        Tamil Nadu.
Website                                                                    www.vijayalakshmipackaging.in
E-Mail                                                                     rdharmalingam47@gmail.com